Conserving Fish Habitat
Healthy fish habitat provides the essential foundation for successful fisheries management. The goal of the Commission’s ASMFC Habitat Program is to improve fisheries habitat conservation through partnerships, policy development, and education. The Commission recognizes how important habitat is to the success of its mission and vision. Habitat loss and degradation have been identified as significant factors affecting the long-term sustainability of the nation’s fisheries. The Commission also recognizes that many forms of habitat conservation are beyond the operational jurisdiction of the federal and state fisheries agencies. The challenge for fisheries managers and the Commission is maintaining vital fish habitat absent specific regulatory authority for habitat conservation, restoration or protection. This calls for creative approaches to the challenges of effectively integrating habitat protection, restoration and enhancement into fisheries management programs and plans. Considering habitat in fishery management decisions is part of moving toward ecosystem-based management.
Simen Kaalstad, Habitat Committee Coordinator
Habitat Committee, Russ Babb, Chair
Guiding Documents
Habitat Program Guidance (August 2013)
Annotated Bibliography of Habitat Program Documents (June 2008)
Habitat Managers Database (December 2000)
Guidance for the Development of ASMFC Fishery Management Plan Habitat Sections and Source Documents (1998)
Management of Atlantic Coastal Marine Fish Habitat: Proceedings of a Workshop for Habitat Managers (April 1997)
Meeting Summaries
2024 Summer Meeting
2023 Fall Meeting
2022 Fall Meeting
2022 Spring Meeting
2021 Fall Meeting
2021 Spring Meeting
2020 Fall Meeting
2020 Spring Meeting
2019 Spring Meeting
2019 Fall Meeting
2018 Fall Meeting
2017 Fall Meeting
2017 Spring Meeting
2016 Fall Meeting
2016 Spring Meeting
2015 Fall Meeting
2015 Spring Meeting
Species Habitat Source Documents
Anthropogenic Noise Impacts
Diadromous Fishes
Atlantic Coast Diadromous Fish Habitat: A Review of Utilization, Threats, Recommendations for Conservation, and Research Needs (January 2009)
Habitat of Concern
Sciaenid Fishes
Atlantic Sciaenid Habitats: A Review of Utilization, Threats & Recommendations for Conservation, Management and Research (March 2017)
The Importance of Habitat Created by Molluscan Shellfish to Managed Species along the Atlantic Coast of the United States (May 2007)
Technical Reference Documents
Habitat Bottlenecks and Fisheries Management (January 2016)
Offshore Wind in My Backyard? (August 2012)
Joint Energy Seminar Presentations (October 2006)
Fish Passage
ASMFC Workshop on Fish Passage Issues Impacting Atlantic Coast States (April 2008):
Workshop Proceedings and Workshop Presentations
ASMFC Guidance Document on Upstream Fish Passage Technologies for Managed Species (September 2010)
Sedimentation Management
Update to Living Shorelines: Impacts of Erosion Control Strategies on Coastal Habitats (2018) & Case Studies and Resources
Harbor Deepening: Potential Habitat and Natural Resource Issues (February 2013)
Living Shorelines: Impacts of Erosion Control Strategies on Coastal Habitats (February 2010)
Beach Nourishment: A Review of the Biological and Physical Impacts (November 2002)
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Policy: A Review of Past Accomplishments and Emerging Research and Management Issues (revised January 2022)
Evaluating Fishing Gear Impacts to Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Determining Mitigation Strategies (July 2000)
ASMFC Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Policy (June 1997)
Atlantic Coastal Submerged Aquatic Vegetation: A Review of its Ecological Role, Anthropogenic Impacts State Regulation, and Value to Atlantic Coastal Fish Stocks (April 1997)
Habitat Fact Sheets
Discharge of Chlorine in Estuarine Waters (October 1980)
Need for Increased Surveillance and Enforcement to End Duping in Atlantic and Maine Waters (October 1987)
Need to End Marine Dumping, By Permit, in All Atlantic Marine Waters (October 1987)
Prevention of Damage to Aquatic Ecosystems from Oil Spills and Other Hazardous Materials (October 1989)
Habitat Policy (October 1989)
Marine, Estuarine, and Riverine Habitat Policy Resolution of Agreement (November 1990)
Joint Statement to Conserve Marine, Estuarine, and Riverine Habitat (May 1990)
In Opposition to the Use of Combustion/Incineration Ash for Artificial Reef Construction (November 1990)
Support of Federal Legislation Strengthening Wetlands Protection, Control of Polluted Runoff, and Improving the National Estuary Program (November 1993)
Need to Remediate the Dumping of Contaminated Dredge Spoils in all Atlantic Marine Waters (November 1993)
In Opposition to the Proposed Basin Mills Hydroelectric Dam, Maine (November 1993)
Habitat Hotline Atlantic
2024 Issue
- Fish Habitat of Concern
- Latest Habitat Management Series: Atlantic State Shell Recycling Programs
- ACFHP Partnership Updates
- On the Ground Conservation
- Melissa Laser Fish Habitat Conservation Awards
- NEFMC Update
- Fishing Gear Effects Database
- NFHP 2024 Update
- Comings & Goings
2023 Issue Volume 1
- Exploring Resiliency in Coastal Habitats
- The Possible Futute Fate of Eelgrass
- How Do We Increase the Thermal Tolerance of Eelgrass
- Nitrogen Reduction Efforts on Long Island, NY
- Light Attenuation for SAV
- Restoration of Eelgrass in the Indian River Lagoon
- Updates to ASMFC's SAV Policy
- ASMFC Releases Report on State Climate Initiatives
- Updates from Around the Coast
- ACFHP Partnership Updates
- Comings & Goings
Annual 2021
- An Overview: How Fish Habitats Provide Ecosystem Services to Buffer the Effects of Climate Change
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- How Do You Like Your Carbon?
- Exploring Blue Carbon Credit through Coastal Resilience Projects that also Support Fish Populations
- Linking NOAA’s Habitat Climate Vulnerability Assessment with Managed Species
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2020
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Regional HabitatAssessment Update
- Northeast Habitat Climate VulnerabilityAssessment Summary
- Linking Life History in Habitat Models
- Lower Tropic Level Variables
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2019
- Marine Aquaculture Along the Atlantic Coast and Beyond
- Aquaculture and the Needy Fish: An Introduction to the Fishy Aspects of Framing the Sea
- Restorative Aquaculture: Can Farmiing Shellfish and Seaweed Provide Habitat Benefits?
- Combining Shellfish and Seaweed Aquaculture in Bioextraction of Nutrients in Long Island Sound
- Growing Innovative Aquaculture in the Waters of Hawaii
- Aquaculture and ASMFC
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Massachusetts DMF Eelgrass Team Receives the 2019 Melissa Laser Fish Habitat Conservation Award
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2018
- Monitoring Changing Habitats Along the East Coast
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2017
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2016
- The Water Column
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Habitat Management
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2015
- Impacts of Energy Developments on Fish Habitats: The Bureau of Energy Management’s (BOEM) Processes in the Atlantic
- Habitat Management
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2014
- How Climate Change Affects Species Range and Habitats
- Climate Data Collection Efforts Supporting Fisheries Management in the Northeast
- Ocean Acidification
- Sea Level Rise and Its Effects
- Habitat Management
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2013: Volume 2
- Regional Oyster Restoration Projects
- Southeast Aquatic Connectivity Project
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2013: Volume I
- Spotlight on Regional Approaches to Habitat Policy
- Species Protection
- Ocean Planning
- Updates from the Regional Fishery Management Councils
Annual 2012
- Spotlight on Offshore Wind Projects
- Harbor Deepening: Potential Habitat and Natural Resource Issues
- Coastal Eutrophication as a Driver of Salt Marsh Loss
- The Northeast Aquatic Connectivity Project
- Ocean Data Portals: Northeast Regional Council, Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean, Governor’s South Atlantic Alliance
- NOAA Habitat Blueprint
- Atlantic Coast Fish Habitat Partnership Update
- Updates from Around the Coast
Annual 2011
- Spotlight on habitat restoration projects: oyster reefs and mosquito ditches
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership update
- Let the Rivers Run Again
Winter 2009
- Healthy oceans new key to combating climate change: seagrasses to salt marshes among the most cost effective carbon capture and storage systems on the planet
- Spotlight on marine spatial planning: what is it and why should we do it?
- Around the coast: TNC’s Northwest Atlantic Marine Ecoregional Assessment
- Atlantic Coast Fish Habitat Partnership (ACFHP) accepted by NFHAP
- NOAA and partners announce South Atlantic Alliance
- Council approves measures to protect largest deepwater coral reef in the South Atlantic
Fall 2009
- Working on a change: Chesapeake Bay draft reports released
- Spotlight on the giant Pacific Ocean garbage patch: whose trash is that?!?
- Legislative update: support for National Fish Habitat Conservation Act Needed
- Around the coast: replenishing oysters in Delaware Bay
- Not all boat suds are created equal: BoatUS Foundation tests “Green” boat suds
- New information on coastal fish habitat issues
Summer 2009
- The Atlantic Coast Fish Habitat Partnership: fledgling now functional
- Spotlight on a small bivalve with a big impact: restoration news from the Southeast Aquatic Resources Partnership
- Energy update: framework for renewable energy development on the U.S. outer continental shelf approved
- Around the coast: digging ditches in Indian River Lagoon
- ‘Vandenberg’ artificial reef successfully deployed
- MD, VA, and ACOE agree to preferred alternative for Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration
- New guides for dealing with climate change on a local level
Spring 2009
- Strength in numbers: announcing the framework for the national system of MPAs
- Spotlight on eliminating marine debris
- Around the coast: economic stimulation
- EPA general permit for ballast water discharges goes into effect
- Number of imperiled diadromous and freshwater fishes grows dramatically
Fall/Winter 2008
- A sneak peak at diadromous habitat: release of ASMFC Habitat Management Series #9
- IUCN red list: status of the world’s marine species released
- AVEDA launches plastic cap recycling program
Summer 2008
- Please pass the fish: ASMFC hosts workshop on fish passage issues impacting Atlantic coast states
- Spotlight: more on fisheries and climate change
- Around the coast: a bag revolution
- Annotated bibliography of ASMFC Habitat Program documents available
Spring 2008
- Economics of estuaries: Restore America’s Estuaries releases valuation report
- Spotlight on rain gardens
- Around the coast: Atlantic Coast Joint Venture
- MPA Center unveils new marine protected areas inventory (MPA Inventory) on
- Court considers whether vessel owners are potentially liable under CERCLA for stirring up mud
- Stream barrier removal monitoring guide published
Winter 2007
- A Sneak Peak at Shellfish Habitat: Release of ASMFC Habitat Management Series #8
- Spotlight on a slippery predicament
- Around the Coast: Hard bottom habitats in the Mid-Atlantic Bight
Fall 2007
- Turning up the heat: effects of global warming on fish habitat
- Energy update: MMS announces release of Alternative Energy EIS
- Spotlight on acid mining
- Around the coast: adopt-a-wetland in Georgia
- Atlantic Coastal Fish Habitat Partnership receives multi-state conservation grant
- NOAA develops habitat priority planner
Summer 2007
- Save my home: making a difference for fish habitat
- Energy update: ASMFC develops outline for Alternative Energy Source Document
- Spotlight on tracking coastal water quality
- Around the coast: eelgrass restoration
- New handbook explains the law and science of Clean Water Act coverage
- 2008 National wetlands awards program nominations
Spring 2007
- A new plan for artificial reefs: completion of National Artificial Reef Plan (as amended): guidelines for siting, construction, development, and assessment of artificial reefs
- Energy update: Minerals Management Service OCS Alternative Energy Draft Programmatic EIS comments available
- Spotlight on Chinese mitten crabs
- Around the coast: working waterfronts
- South Atlantic Fishery Management Council approves amendment to create MPAs
- Keep your eyes open for recently introduced habitat-related Congressional legislation
Winter 2006
- Invasion of the habitat snatchers: a profile on two Atlantic Coast invasive species
- Around the coast: spotlight on zebra mussels in New York
- Invasive species legislation update
- Data node established on east coast
- Gulf of Maine species count reaches 3,317
- Delaware releases guidebook on natural habitat management of open spaces
Fall 2006
- Partnerships part 2: taking time for trash: awareness of marine debris finally forcing action
- Spotlight on mudflats
- Around the coast: ecosystem-based management in Chesapeake Bay
- Comment on framework for system of MPAs
- Symposium announcement: Challenges for Diadromous Fishes in a Dynamic Global Environment
Summer 2006
- Partnerships Part 1: everyone can help house fish – community-based habitat restoration partnerships abound
- NOAA Fisheries Restoration Center: 10 years and counting
- Restore America’s Estuaries: preserving our nation’s estuaries since 1995
- Spotlight on “altered oceans”
- Around the coast: partners in mapping
- Deep Ocean Energy Resources Act of 2006 (H.R. 4761) passes house
- President Bush establishes Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument
Spring 2006
- Fish passage restoration efforts continue
- Around the coast: computer programs help restoration decisions
- Early visit from rays decimates river oysters
- Undersea volcano’s eruption captured on video
Winter 2005
- Creating partnerships for aquatic habitat restoration: the National Fish Habitat Initiative
- New York Governor announces over $9.1 million to improve Long Island water quality and habitats
- Local organizations receive $3 million to help restore local rivers and Chesapeake Bay
- Around the coast: spotlight on New Hampshire’s designation of no discharge in coastal waters
September 2005 (Fall)
- Harmful algal blooms: a growing threat to people and marine ecosystems
- Around the coast: spotlight on North Carolina’s Coastal Habitat Protection Program
June 2005 (Summer)
- Second national coast condition report published: U.S. coastal areas assessed
- Around the coast: spotlight on South Carolina’s Coastal Assessment Program
April 2005 (Spring)
- Explaining the Long Island Sound lobster die-off: the perfect storm
- Two Florida corals proposed for threatened status
- Boaters help protect coral reefs and seagrass beds
- Coral reefs report published
- U.S. and Australia partner for coral reef research
- President Bush responds to Ocean Commission recommendations
- ASMFC news
September 2004
- NRC report outlines the impacts of oil on marine fish habitat
- Coast Guard establishes mandatory ballast water management program
- New coral reef web site
June 2004
- Two ocean commissions recommend action for improved marine and estuarine fish habitat
- ASMFC’s Habitat Committee strategic planning for 2004-2008
January 2004
- Fish habitat in urban environments: NY-NJ harbor
- National coastal wetlands conservation grants awarded
- Group takes legal action to reduce nitrogen pollution in Chesapeake Bay
- Three port cities receive federal funds to clean-up contaminated sites
September 2003
- Restoring Coastal Habitat NOAA’s Restoration Center Partnerships Along the Atlantic Coast
- Reducing Pollution by Trading Nitrogen Credits
- Report Calls for Conservation of Vital Juvenile Fish Habitat
- Potential Impact of Heavy Rainfall on Fish Habitat
May 2003
- Protecting Horseshoe Crab Habitat
- Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Brochure Available
- Impact of Noise on Marine Mammals and Fish Remains Unclear
December 2002
- Atlantic States prepare conservation plans for submerged aquatic vegetation
- Shad and river herring habitat restoration
- Report describes status of SAV restoration and fish passage in Chesapeake Bay
October 2002
- Beach nourishment: possible impacts to fish and fish habitat
- World summit agreements on ocean and fisheries
- First assessment of U.S. coral reefs
August 2002
- How is the drought impacting fish habitat?
- Climate and drought
- New online atlas of the oceans
- 63 dams to be removed in 2002
- Beach water quality information available online
- Low-polluting engine initiative expands in New England
May 2002
- How are cooling water intake structures at power plants impacting fish?
- Development of regulations for cooling water intake structures
- Conferences
- U.S. fish stocks on a path toward recovery
- NRC report on effects of trawling and dredging on seafloor habitat
- Effects of fishing gear on Northeast marine habitats
- North Atlantic food fish catches declines by half while fishing effort tripled
- Final rule for essential fish habitat published
March 2001
- Fiber Optic Cables: Issues for Marine Habitat & Fisheries
- Early Indications of Lobster Decline in Gulf of Maine
- Horseshoe Crab Reserve Created--Area Closed to Fishing
- NRC Studies Effects of Bottom Trawling on Seafloor Habitat
December 2000
- Salt Marshes in the Gulf of Maine: How are fish utilizing this important habitat?
- Habitat Committee Moves Forward on SAV and Gear Impacts Report
- National Oceans Commission Created
- CA Chemical Companies to Pay for DDT Clean Up & Wildlife Restoration
July 2000
- ASMFC Finalizes Guidelines for Evaluating Fishing Gear Impacts to Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Environmentalists Sue NMFS To Stop Reopening Areas on Georges Bank to Scallop Dredging
- Flags Used to Protect Eelgrass from Boating Impacts
March 2000
- GIS Technology and New York’s Tidal
- Wetlands Trends Analysis
- Canada Extends Oil and Gas Moratorium on Georges Bank
- NMFS Disapproves South Atlantic Council’s Sargassum FMP
- Contaminated Sediments Report Available
- NC Estuarine Trawling Reviewed
January 1999
- Fishery Management Council Prohibits Sargassum Seaweed Harvest
- Rhode Island Establishes No-Discharge Area for Boat Sewage
- Transportation Act Funds Available For Water Quality Protection
- RI Council Adopts Policies to Protect Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- Canadian Drilling Moratorium on Georges Bank Set to Expire
- U.S. Officials Urge Re-enactment
- ASMFC Horseshoe Crab Plan Requires Extensive Monitoring & Habitat Identification
- DOD Determines Feasibility of Contaminated Sediment Disposal on Abyssal Seafloor
- EPA’s Contaminated Sediment Strategy Available
August 1999
- Lawsuit charges Council FMP essential fish habitat provisions inadequate
- Status of Atlantic Fishery Management Councils’ EFH Amendments
- Florida forever
- Pollution prevention toolkit will aid coastal communities
- Edwards Dam breach
- Massachusetts coastal zone management to help north shore communities manage growth
- Nutrient criteria an increasing priority
- New York starts pilot project to help local governments restore coastal ecosystems
- Saltonstall-Kennedy Grants available
November 1998
- Evaluating stream habitat for diadromous fish in Atlantic coast watersheds: a preliminary assessment
- North Carolina’s Clean Water Management Trust Fund
- Gulf of Maine Marine Protected Areas Project
- Update on proposed wetlands nationwide permits
- Pennsylvania restores hundreds of miles of streams
September 1998
- Promoting citizen’s participation in habitat conservation
- Sierra Club’s Water Watch Project
- EPA releases plans and strategy for cleaner water
- Proposed wetlands nationwide permits
- Rhode Island Department of Transportation ordered to stop dredging
- Scientist links nutrient runoff with forest defoliation
December 1997
- Use of New York Bight habitat by juvenile yellowtail flounder
- Vice President Gore announces clean water initiative
- States assist NMFS and Councils in accessing essential fish habitat data
- Habitat Committee adopts SAV Policy Implementation Plan
- Edwards Dam re-licensing denied
October 1997
- Endocrine-disrupting chemicals in marine and estuarine systems: should we be concerned?
- NACo Implements nonpoint source pollution program
- Linking town hall to technology and land use to water quality in Connecticut
- Settlement speeds Puerto Rico coral reef repair
- Profile: the EPA Office of Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities
- Florida’s statewide ocean resource inventory project
- National Estuary Program bill reintroduced in House
- Poll shows Americans support environmental protection
- [announcement] Conference – Global Climate Change: What Does it Mean for the Mid-Atlantic States?
August 1997
- Atlantic coastal watershed losses and the economic value of fisheries: a state by state review
- Wetlands for clean water: how wetlands protect rivers, lakes, and coastal waters from pollution
- New Jersey legislators introduce federal clean water enforcement bills
- EPA publishes toxic release inventory
- NC lawsuit seeks tougher pollution limits
- Rhode Island dredging study leads to action
- American Sportfishing Association announces clean water effort
- Good news for wetlands: It’s Ba-a-ack!!
- Comments on dioxin due to EPA by September 5
- Wetland protection options for local governments
- Maryland Coastal Bays National Estuary Program focuses on habitat
- Pfiesteria implicated in Chesapeake Bay fish kills
April 1997
- New Jersey Governor meets dredging issues head on: Governor supports integrated task force’s recommendations which protect economy and environment
- Clean Water Act reauthorization
- Protecting fish habitat trade show exhibit: get the message out!
- NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Plan released for public comment
- Local coalition heads off stormwater pollution
December 1996/January 1997
- Magnuson-Stevens Act strengthens habitat mandates: the new NMFS and Council habitat mandates are not quite as powerful as a regulatory ‘hammer’ or as threatening as a set of regulatory ‘teeth’, but do provide a louder voice for fishery managers on habitat issues, and a step in the right direction
- Exotic species transported in ship ballast wreak ecological havoc
- Fishermen preventing vessel related pollution: a national effort
- PAHs in the marine environment
- Clean Water Network organizes ’97 campaign
- South Carolina wetlands mitigation bank
- Marine Fish Conservation Network closes its doors
- Port of New York/New Jersey Dredged Material Management Plan Interim Report available
- ASMFC Habitat Committee endorses protection of submerged aquatic vegetation: policy statement under development
- Draft management plan for NY/NJ mud dump site available
August 1996
- ASMFC steps up habitat and fishery management integration in weakfish FMP
- Vice-President Gore announces compromise: NJ mud dump to close, ports remain open, minimal changes to EPA regulations
- Mid-Atlantic Fishery management Council opposes lease sales off New Jersey
- Legislative update: private property rights/takings, Magnuson Act, mitigation banking bill
- NMFS national habitat plan approved
- Alliance working to restore Americas [sic] estuaries
- Corps of Engineers proposes changes to nationwide permit program
- EPA promotes watershed based pollution trading
- National Association of Counties sponsors coastal watershed initiative
June 1996
- Habitat managers workshop integrates research, management, and communication
- President signs Coastal Zone Management Act
- Federal private property/takings legislation
- Clean Water Act reauthorization
- [announcement] Fisheries and Pollution 1996: The Second Annual Conference on Population-Level Effects of Marine Contamination
- Federal government propses sand mining off New Jersey coast: comments due July 20
- [announcement] American Fisheries Society Sponsors Symposium on Estuaries
- [announcement] International Conference on Shellfish Restoration: Improving the Health of Coastal Ecosystems through Shellfish Restoration
April 1996
- Management of Atlantic coastal marine fish habitat: a workshop for habitat managers
- North Carolina drafts strong habitat recommendations: review panel discusses changes to marine fisheries habitat protection program
- EPA considers expanding mud dump site
- EPA proposes controversial changes to ocean dumping regulations
- Clinton/Congress reach FY 1996 Budget agreement
February 1996
- Sand mining for beach nourishment: investigating fisheries impacts
- Outer continental shelf sand mining operation to restore Florida beaches
- Protecting fish habitat in New Jersey: fisherman Bill Sheehan promotes the Hackensack River Estuary
October 1995
- Mitigation banking for wetlands: questionable investment or ‘money-in-the-bank’?
- Management of Atlantic coast marine fish habitat: a workshop for habitat managers
- Fisheries and pollution conference: no easy answers about how pollution impacts marine fish populations
- Legislative update: Clean Water Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, Magnuson Act, and EPA appropriations
- Three Atlantic estuaries added to National Estuary Program: Maryland, New Hampshire, and New Jersey estuaries to be protected under cooperative program
- Using biomarkers to detect marine contamination
- Chesapeake Bay continues to improve: record year for juvenile striped bass, bay grasses still rebounding
- Fishing closure and fish kills plague the troubled Neuse River: Council formed to plan the road to recovery
- Washington State voters nix property rights legislation
- ASMFC takes strong position on Federal habitat legislation
June 1995
- Evaluation of multiple use issues and habitat threats affecting Northeast living marine resources
- The Coastal Zone Management Act: controlling coastal nonpoint pollution
- Clean Water Act reauthorization passes the House
- Voting record for Representatives of Atlantic coast states – H.R. 961
- Congressionally mandated wetlands study completed
- Florida adopts takings legislation
February 1995
- Pollution effects on marine fish populations: National Marine Fisheries Service report reviews scientific literature on the effects of pollution on striped bass, menhaden and winter flounder populations
- Delaware habitat workshops fuel new alliances
- Environmental impacts of powerboats: the EPA seeks to reduce hydrocarbon emissions while scientists explore other vessel impacts
- Dredging plan released: environmentalists disappointed with unbalanced approach
- Clean Water Act reauthorization
- NMFS strengthens national Habitat Program
- F.I.S.H. initiates flights for fishermen
December 1994
- Property rights and cost/benefit analysis: the way Congress handles these issues may have far-reaching implications for the environment, public health, civil rights, and the economy
- Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act of 1995: concerns about gutting worker safety, public health and environmental laws
- PCBs lethal to oyster larvae
- EPA dioxin reassessment confirms already bad reputation
September 1994
- EPA seeks public comments on contaminated sediment management strategy and dioxin reassessment
- Clean Water Act reauthorization
- “For wetlands, too; it’s the economy!” Maryland fisherman and former ASMFC Commissioner testifies on behalf of wetlands
- Summer flounder habitat needs
- Hull paints: hot tamales – no more heavy metals
July 1994
- Chesapeake residents unaware of Bay pollutant sources: nutrient enrichment from farm- and home-based fertilizers elude survey respondents as key sources of Chesapeake Bay pollution
- Killers from the ooze: nutrient rich polluted effluent implicated in fish-killing algae attacks
- Fisheries, wetlands, and jobs: the value of wetlands to America’s fisheries
- EPA seeks ban on lead fishing sinkers
- Clean Water Act reauthorization
- Cooperative program unites forces to improve the Peconic Bay
April 1994
- Protecting fish habitat with the National Estuary Program
- The money game: leveraging funds an asset of NEPs
- Fishermen and the National Estuary Program
- Reauthorization of the Clean Water Act
- Action Alert: dredging process public meetings scheduled for May 1994
March 1994
- ASMFC Who? …….. Why Habitat?
- New York fishermen help improve shellfish habitat in Peconic Bay
- F.I.S.H. Habitat Education Program – protecting your fishing future
Partner Reference Documents
Essential Fish Habitat Source Documents
Atlantic Herring First Edition
Atlantic Herring Second Edition
Black Sea Bass First Edition
Black Sea Bass Second Edition
Bluefish First Edition
Bluefish Second Edition
Spiny Dogfish First Edition
Spiny Dogfish Second Edition
Summer Flounder
Winter Flounder
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Habitat Information and Policies
Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Management Plan
Delaware River Basin American Shad Habitat Plan
Susquehanna River American Shad Habitat Plan
Nantucket Shellfish Management Plan
Hudson-Raritan Estuary Comprehensive Restoration Plan
Nissequogue River Stewardship Action Plan
Albemarle-Pamlico Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan
State Wildlife Action Plan
North Carolina
Coastal Habitat Protection Plan
Aquatic Preserves